Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Wildlife in the garden

This last week has been exciting in my garden.  First, a dragonfly emerged from its larva in my pond, and sat for hours on an iris leaf, giving plenty of time for us to marvel and take photos.  The dragonfly turned out to be a 4-spotted chaser which was not one I had ever seen before.
Dragonfly emerging

Drying out

The empty larva shell

Another dragonfly has been visiting as well - it's a Large Red Damselfly (that's its official name, not just my description!).
Large Red Damselfly

A nest was built on our ladder which is stored hanging horizontally:

We assumed it would be a blackbird as they usually nest somewhere in the garden, but it turned out to be a thrush.

If you spot any wildlife and would like to know what it is or record it, there is a website called ispot.  You can post your photo and usually someone will ID it for you. It can be a plant, insect, animal whatever....


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