Monday, July 6, 2020

Nipplewort and Wall Letttuce

You would think the names were made up but they are the common names for Lapsana communis, Nipplewort,  and Mycelis muralis, Wall Lettuce.  I have been asked about both plants recently as they are flowering at the moment.  They both have quite spindly tall stems and then a branched head of small yellow flowers.
Nipplewort is growing around Loch Imrich and on road verges. Because it is quite a thin spread out plant, it is hard to get a decent picture as it does not stand out from the background! The leaves are quite simple and rounded.

Nipplewort flowers

Nipplewort leaves

Wall Lettuce has been growing along the Main Street near Newtonmore Village Hall and several plants have appeared in my garden. The flowers are similar but the leaves are more complexly shaped and it often has a purplish tinge.
Wall Lettuce leaves

Wall lettuce

Wall lettuce flowers

I was asked whether Wall Lettuce is edible.  A good site for checking what uses a plant has is Plants for a Future.    Here's the verdict for Wall Lettuce edibility Just 2 out of 5 - so maybe don't bother!

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