Tuesday, July 5, 2022

A trip around Newtonmore Golf Course - just the orchids!

 This post will be a bit different as it is just a record of some of the flowers I saw on the circular walk along the Golf Course and back along the Spey. The orchids are blooming, as are lots of other flowers, so it is well worth a walk round.

I saw at least 5 different kinds of orchids.  The most uncommon one was the Small-white Orchid (Pseudorchis albida) so I counted them and saw 26, all in a particular area in the rough at the side of one of the fairways.

Small-white Orchid with Yellow Rattle in front and behind

The other orchids were too numerous to count.  Northern Marsh-orchid (Dactylorhiza purpurella)(like the one in my "lawn"), is such a deep purple that it is easy to spot. In fact, I even spotted some in the road verge from the car when driving past the Wildlife Park on the back road between Kincraig and Kingussie. 

There were plenty of Greater Butterfly-orchid (Platanthera  chlorantha) and Heath Fragrant-orchid (Gymnadenia borealis) as well. 

Northern Marsh-orchid and Heath Fragrant-orchid

 Greater Butterfly-orchid

Heath Spotted-orchid

Another Heath Spotted-orchid? or maybe a hybrid.

There was one very large orchid which is often a sign of a hybrid between two different species. Hybrids tend to be more vigorous (think of  the F1 seeds you buy for the garden.) 

I saw several other plants which I will talk about about in my next post.

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