Wednesday, September 8, 2021

A few Fungi

 There are several fungi appearing in my garden and in the woods.  They grow quite quickly to start with so I took a series of photos of one by my veg patch:

Day 1@ 9am, Day 1 @5pm, Days 2,3,4,5

The most interesting part is the first couple of days and then it looks much the same apart from the cap turning up. I think this particular fungus is Amanita crocea as it has a bright orange-yellow colour.  It emerges from a sac which stays as a ragged  collar at the base of the stalk which has felty orange scales. The underside of the cap has a series of gills which produce spores. My book says "Widespread but locally distributed and nowhere common" (except perhaps in my garden!).

It prefers growing under birch which is exactly where it is. I was clearing some grass to make a flower bed and found lots more at different stages.

Around Loch Imrich is a good place to find fungi.  There is a large brown downy one that reminds me of pancakes. 


You can see  the edge of the cap rolls under, so I think this might be Brown Roll-Rim which is poisonous.

This pale yellow one, I think, is Larch Bolete which grows only with Larch trees.  Instead of gills, the underside of the cap has lots of little pores .  Having pores rather than gills is a characteristic of the Boletes, most of which are edible - but not necessarily tasty..  

I would not recommend eating anything unless you are 100% sure of  the species.

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